Missions & Outreach

Missions & Outreach

We desire to take the Good News to those who have no life, no purpose and no family and help them find their life, purpose and family in Christ! To offer others, whether in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria or at the ends of the earth, a future in Him!


Tim and Laurie Fyock served in Venezuela for 21 years and have been serving at Ethnos360 Bible Institute in Waukesha, WI since 2011. As of June 2023, they are filling the position of Dean of Students.

Email: tim_fyock@ntm.org

Brody and Jen Pav (with their son Evan) have been serving in Papua New Guinea since 2021 in support ministry. They are now joining a team to work in an indigenous church planting context.

Email: Brody_pav@ntm.org

Dan and Ashley McIvor (with their son Huck) are in Mexico, learning the language and culture as they prepare to minister to unreached peoples in Mexico.

Email: dan_mcivor@ntm.org

Ian and Abby Bates have been serving in Mexico since 2022. They are in the process of learning national culture and language.

Email: ian_bates@ntm.org

Spencer and JoJo Goddard (with their daughters Abigail and Gabriella) have been serving in Brazil since 2023. They are brand new to the field and are in the process of learning the national culture and language.

Email: Spencer_goddard@ntm.org

Alyssa/Biss Fyock has been serving at Ethnos360 Bible Institute in Waukesha, WI as a Dean of Single Women since 2021.

Email: alyssa_fyock@ntm.org

Brady Family

Luke and Julianna Brady, and their girls Mae and Piper, are serving at Ethnos 360 in Waukesha. Luke will be doing videography for the Online Education Department, filming and editing the Bible courses. Julianna will be in the Advancement/Mobilization Department at Ethnos 360 to help with design.

Missionaries In Training

These “Missionaries-in-Training” are currently at the Ethnos 360 Training (ETR) in Roach, MO. learning and preparing for the next stages of their missionary journey.

Parr Family

Mission Organizations

Genesis Lighthouse – mentors men reentering their lives after a time in prison, showing them a new way to live. Grace Church contact — Andrew Ohlsson.
Soles for Jesus shares the love of Jesus by bringing shoes to those in Africa who have none and the good news of Jesus! A collection box is located in the north hall. Grace Church contact — Darlene Igl
Gideons International brings the word of God through distribution of bibles around the world. Grace church contacts — Bill and Susan Isler
Redeem and Restore is a Christian based organization. Mission statement: Together we love, restore, and support women broken by sex trafficking and exploitation. Supporting them as the whole person: physically, mentally, relationally, emotionally, and spiritually. Grace Church contacts – Katina Vetter and Mike Kluesner
Samaritan’s Purse is an evangelical Christian humanitarian aid organization that provides aid to people in physical need as a key part of its Christian missionary work. They also deliver shoeboxes with needed items to under resourced children at Christmas. Grace Church contact — Jeff Hurst

Local Outreach

Our mission is to provide basic necessities at no cost to those in need. We are a 100% volunteer nonprofit organization. Contact – Laurie Champeau
The Oasis Project provides tutoring to underserved children in the Lake Coun-try. Grace Church contact—Jan Frans
The Waukesha Food Pantry – collection first Sunday of each month. Grace Church contacts — Kevin & Kathy Robison