What to Expect

What to Expect

We get together every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at 3562 Hillside Drive in Delafield. When you arrive you will be greeted by friendly and welcoming faces. Those welcoming you will give you a bulletin which will provide you with the activities of the day and week. Please feel free to ask any questions you have. The greeters and ushers will be happy to answer and help in any way they can. If you are bringing children, a nursery complete with a mothers room as well as a Sunday school for grades 1 thru 5 is provided. Please see or Grace Kids webpage for details.

Once the service begins

At the beginning of the service we will welcome everyone and invite them to join in worship. There will be a praise and worship team on the platform that will lead everyone in song.

Songs of praise and worship

The praise and worship team leader will invite everyone to stand and join in singing songs of praise and worship. The words to the songs are projected on overhead screens so that they are easy to read. We invite you to participate in whatever way you are comfortable or simply listen and observe.

Ministry Moments

We will tell you about what is happening at Grace Church including important news about the Grace community members and updates on missionaries and missions we support.


For the next 40 minutes we listen to our pastor Jason Knapp who will read a section of the Bible and then explain what it means and why it matters for our lives today. If you want to get an idea of what these sermons sound like before visiting you can stream or download them from our website here – sermon archive


At this time pastor Jason will dismiss us with a benediction. After this many will move into our fellowship hall for a time of gathering and refreshments.

Questions?  Please contact us at info@gracechurchwi.com  or using the Contact page here – Contact.